Friday, July 25, 2008

Wall Street Journal says Fantasy could "Kick-start volleyball"

With an estimated 25 million-plus playing fantasy sports in the U.S. and Canada and over $1 billion exchanging hands, it's a wonder new games for obscure sports don't pop up every hour. There exists today, in some form, fantasy sumo wrestling, fantasy jai alai, fantasy professional rodeo, fantasy Supreme Court and fantasy gossip. Yet beach volleyball — an Olympic sport since 1996 — has nothing. At least, not anymore.

The sport's most famous league, the Association of Volleyball Professionals, did have a game as recently as two years ago, but thanks to a combination of unattractive prizes, lack of relatable statistics and a set of scoring rules that one might need a windtalker to decipher, it went the way of "The Sopranos" and simply … ended.

Volleyball? Kick-start? Couldn't you come up with something better, and maybe, oh I don't know, Volleyball related? Maybe "Fantasy will spike volleyball."

This article does make one strong point - The Wall Street Journal shouldn't be covering sports.

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